Karl Rove’s (Repeated) LIE About President Obama’s Loan to Brazil
Posted by freedoms66 on February 23rd, 2012
The Lie? On the February 20th, 2012 edition of the Fox News show Hannity, Fox News contributor Karl Rove (R-Fox News), repeated the falsehood that President Obama gave a ($2 billion) loan to Brazil’s national oil company - Petrobras. According to Rove, “The president even gave a loan to Brazil. Why do they need our money, they’ve got plenty of their own.” Rove’s straight-faced assertions, as it turns out, were really bald-faced lies.
The Truth According to FactCheck.org, the loan to Petrobras, was approved by members of the Bush administration (three Republicans and two Democrats) who were on the board of directors of the U.S. Export-Import Bank. There were no Obama appointees involved with the vote. Additionally, it has also been implied that American tax dollars would be used to make the loan. That, too, is not true. What makes these lies even more egregious is the fact that they have all been refuted since 2009.
(sources: mediamatters.org and FactCheck.org)
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The British investigation into Rupert Murdoch’s phone hacking program shows how low News Corp will go to steal private information. The Canadians refuse News Corp into Canada because Fox News tells lies on the air.
When will the FCC in America shut down Fox New in the U.S. because they tell lies on the air.
Does the U.S. Constitution allow lies as “free speech”?
Yeah. That’s how politicians win elections, duh!
Yes, unfortunately, the Constitution does not distinguish between lies and truth. Further, subjects behind their lies can’t even sue for defamation, because if you’re a public official, you’re basically fair game. You have no cause of action unless “actual malice” can be shown. Fox New won a lawsuit in 2003 stating that distorting and falsifying the news is not illegal. They’ve been going to town ever since.