Mike Huckabee’s Lie about President Obama Being a Foreign Student

The Lie?
During the January 20th, 2012 edition of The O’Reilly Factor, Mike Huckabee (R-Fox News), indicated that Gov. Mitt Romney should challenge President Obama to release his college application materials and college transcripts, in exchange for the release of Romney’s tax returns. By having the president release those documents, according to Huckabee, it would be a way “to show whether he got any loans as a foreign student.”

The Truth
Huckabee has repeatedly tried to paint Obama as a foreigner. In fact, he earned Fox News Lies’ “2011 Lie(s) of the Year” honors for first claiming that the president was raised in Kenya, then he claimed he was raised in Indonesia. Both statements have been proven to be false. Huckabee’s latest lie has already been refuted by FactCheck.org, which highlighted how the falsehood about Obama’s supposed scholarship for foreign students was first presented in a false email.
(sources: mediamatters.org and FactCheck.org )

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