The Lie? Mike Huckabee’s (R-Fox News) April 9th appearance on Fox and Friends contained the following, well-documented, lie. That Planned Parenthood is “primarily an abortion provider.” Even after he was corrected by one of the co-hosts, Huckabee refused to acknowledge he’d been spouting a falsehood. He offered a bit of phony anecdotal evidence about somebody he knows who ran Planned Parenthood in Texas.
The Truth The online fact-checking web site, used Planned Parenthood’s numbers to conclude that “abortions accounted for just under 3 percent of the procedures Planned Parenthood provided in 2009, which is the most recent year for which the group is reporting statistics.” Unless Huckabee thinks 3 percent is more than 50 percent, he’s a liar. (sources: and
On the March 14th, 2011 edition of Fox and Friends, former White House spokes model, Dana Perino, claims,
"This White House, of all White Houses should not be making fun of (John)
Boehner's tan.
We wonder what she meant by that?
He should know better than to lie. The devils in the details Mike.
The problem is he doesn’t know better than to lie. He’s the current leading liar among current Fox News Liars!
Ummm..he’s a Republican. The lie so much they cannot
tell the difference from thr truth anymore. Did
anyone expect anything less?
I don’t think truth telling, or the lack of it is any real indicator of the truth. However, working for Fox News seem to be a HUGE factor!